


  • 图片大小:720P,Step=200,跳过前20步
  • Prompts:”A Farm and a mushroom magic farmhouse in farm,plants and poultry in farm,beautiful tree around farm,Trending on artstation”, “Magic light Japanese comic scheme”
TimeToDisco1 0 - AI绘图-主题:农场

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这个是去掉了light和Trending on artstation之后的图片
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  • width_height = [960, 480]
  • prompts:”An expansive view of idyllic and pastoral landscape,a magic style mushroom farmhouse in farm,green crops in farm,cherry trees around farm”, “Trending on artstation”
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  • width_height = [1280, 720]
    clip_guidance_scale = 10000
    steps = 500
  • prompts:”An expansive view of magic style farm landscape”, “Trending on artstation”
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